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Taking Care of Our Kids

At CBC you can expect a safe and secure check-in process for your children from birth-5th grade. If you are a first-time guest, anticipate taking a couple of minutes to give us some basic information and allow us to set your family up for a secure check-in/out process. When you check your child in, you will receive a nametag for your child as well as a tag with a unique code that you will show your child’s teacher at pick-up. We utilize this system for all our children’s activities throughout the week.

Sunday Morning

9:15-10:20 am  Birth-5th Grade

10:30-11:45  Nursery care for Birth- 4 years old only

First time guests click here to register


Where can kids go to have fun, participate in high-energy games, Crazy Hat Nights, AND memorize key Bible passages through Scripture memorization skills that will last a lifetime? AWANA at CBC, that’s where!

Age: Kindergarten – 5th grade
Time: Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 pm during the Oldham County school year

Cubbies (3 and 4 year olds by August 1, 2023) are at capacity for the 2024-2025 school year but Cubbies can join a waitlist by registering below.

Click here to register!

Children's Choir

Kids sing praises to the Lord as we explore old and new hymns, learn musical and spiritual concepts and perform fun musical presentations a couple of times a year.

Age: Grades K-5th
Time: Wednesday Nights, 5:45-6:30pm during the Oldham County school year

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open late summer.


Childcare available for nursery through 2 year olds during regular Wednesday night activities.

Email Angela Wethington to reserve your child’s spot today!


VBS@CBC 2024 was a blast! Thank you for all who served and came to make it the most epic week of the year!

Check back for Summer 2025 plans the week of June 16-22!

Sunday School

9:15-10:20 am  Birth-5th Grade

10:30-11:45 Nursery care for Birth- 4 years old only

First time guests click here to register


Where can kids go to have fun, participate in high-energy games, Crazy Hat Nights, AND memorize key Bible passages through Scripture memorization skills that will last a lifetime? AWANA at CBC, that’s where!

Age: 3 years (by August 1, 2021)- 5th grade
Time: Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 pm during the Oldham County school year

Register Here!

Children's Choir

Kids sing praises to the Lord as we explore old and new hymns, learn musical and spiritual concepts and perform fun musical presentations a couple of times a year.

Age: Grades K-5th
Time: Wednesday Nights, 5:45-6:30pm (during the Oldham County school year)

Register Here!


Wednesday night childcare available for nursery through 2 year olds upon request.

Email Angela Wethington to reserve your child’s spot today!