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Mission Trips

Church of The Harbor – Edgemere, Maryland

Pastor Steve Horn leads a team that ministers with our new church partner just outside of Baltimore


Pastor Steve Horn leads a team that works in a girls orphanage as well as doing evangelism and light construction in surrounding villages.


Teams travel to the Village of Eden to minister through hut-to-hut evangelism, Saturday Discipleship Program “Esangalo” (meaning joy) to an average of 1800 children, joining in bush church services, and going to schools to share the gospel.

Memphis, TN

This year the CBC Student Ministry will be working with Street Reach Ministries in Memphis, TN.

Street Reach strives to provide a structured approach to missions where mission team members come together to worship by sharing the gospel with the people of Memphis. Street Reach utilizes mission teams to reclaim the community in Memphis by sharing the gospel through Bible Day Camps for children along with serving the community through various mission projects.

Louisville, KY

This year the CBC Middle School Students will be working with Fountain of Life Church in the Norfolk area of Louisville by leading a VBS and other outdoor outreach events.  Contact Steve Self of Laura Hall for more information.

Local & US Partnerships


Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center: Crossroads plans to “bring home, help and healing to those affected by unplanned pregnancy.” Their vision is to have a Christ-centered, non-denominational ministry that provides resources, education, and love to those in need before, during and after an unplanned pregnancy or abortion. Their services are free. Crossroads is located at 6435 West Highway 146, Crestwood. Visit their website at

Prison Ministry

Oldham County is home to some of our state prisons and CBC has not missed the opportunity to minister to the inmates at KSR, Roederer, Luther Luckett, and the women’s prison in Pewee Valley. Our men and women are involved in evangelism, discipleship and encouragement.

Women on Mission

This vital ministry has impacted the world many times over in its years of existence. These women work diligently to learn about and support world missions. Join them any time. They normally meet the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m.- Noon at CBC.

Baptist Association

Baptist churches across Oldham, Trimble, Henry, and Shelby Counties share resources and work together in strengthening churches and community ministries and reaching this area with the gospel. CBC prayerfully and financially supports the North Central Baptist Network NCBA. Learn more about the NCBA here.

Kids Hope

Kids Hope is an expanding network of public school-church partnerships that provide inspiring mentor relationships for at-risk students. One child-One mentor-One hour-Together.  CBC is currently partnering with Crestwood Elementary.  Pray for our students and mentors!  learn more about Kids Hope USA here

Cooperative Program

CBC gives generously to the Cooperative Program. Southern Baptist churches across the United States give a portion of their offerings to the Cooperative Program to fund missionary work both home and abroad, seminary training for ministers, and a plethora of ministries. Visit their site to learn more.

Moms in Prayer International

Moms in Prayer International (MITI) formally named Moms in Touch provides a structure for women to meet and pray for students, teachers and schools. We also have a Moms in Touch group that goes into the women’s prison to pray with inmates who are separated from their children. We need women to volunteer to go into the women’s prison the first Saturday of each month.

Fountain of Life

Fountain of Life Ministries – Louisville, KY
This church seeks to serve the multi-ethnic people groups of the Norfolk area of Louisville, by inviting them to enjoy Christ so that all nations will enjoy and reflect Christ’s glory

Church of the Harbor - Edgemere

CoH is a new church partnership for CBC.  Reaching primarily a community just outside of Baltimore, their mission is to declare truth and display love that people would be devoted followers of Jesus.  Plans for future mission trips to Baltimore are in the works!