Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: Confident in the Providence of God
Text: Genesis 45:1-15
CBC Sermons
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: The Crucible of the Past
Text: Genesis 42:5-28
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: The Prison or the Palace?
Text: Genesis 41:25-38
Pastor Steve Self
Title: Choose Life
Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: The Faithfulness of God
Text: Genesis 39:21-23
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: The Crucible of Compromise
Text: Genesis 39:1-20
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: Positioned for a Purpose
Text: Genesis 37:1-11
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: Blessed to Bless
Text: Genesis 50:15-21
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: Living in the Faithfulness of God
Text: Genesis 35:1-15
Pastor Barry Jeffries
Series: Genesis: Living by Faith
Title: A Blessed Future
Text: Genesis 32:24-33:4